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Demonstrated beneficial effects

Demonstrated beneficial effects

Sonic tests of Bio Music One have been conducted by different scientific experts using different methods to evaluate the effect of the music. These tests draw attention to the beneficial effects of Bio Music One on human beings in general but also animals, plants and our surrounding environment. For the past 15 years that Bio Music One has been available, more than 6000 written testimonials confirm these beneficial effects for the body, soul and spirit of human beings. We extend an invitation to any interested scientists who wish to study Bio Music One through their own protocols to contact us through the form on our ‘Contact‘ page.

Tests by Masaru Emoto's laboratories on Iced water crystals

The revitalising effect of Bio Music One on water has been demonstrated by Masaru Emoto’s laboratories


The above photographs show frozen water crystals before (1) and after (2), (3), (4), (5) revitalisation by the CDs of  Kinema 1 (2), Monte Cristo 1 (3), Arnica Montana 1 (4) and Arnica Montana 2 (5). The frozen water crystals have regained the natural shape of an hexagonal ‘star’, which is characteristic of ‘revitalised’ water, ideal to help maintain good health.

Tests on human blood

The Bio Music One effect which protects against electromagnetic pollution has been demonstrated through tests on human blood using dark field microscope technology, conducted by Dr Domingo Perez Leon, Director of the Biological Institute of Health in Madrid and by Pam Layfield, Researcher in Nutritional Microscopy and Member of the International Microscopy Association.

Photographs by Dr Perez Leon and Pam Layfield © 2007-2009 Loriana Music. All rights reserved worldwide.

Tests by Dr Domingo Perez Leon conducted at the Biological Institute of Health in Madrid


1) Blood sample of a patient just before starting the test.

2) Blood sample of the same patient while being subjected to the electromagnetic field of a mobile phone: we can see that the red blood cells have formed lines of cells stacked together, known as the “Rouleau Effect”, which indicates a lack of oxygen in the blood, intestinal stress and acidity of the patient’s base average.

3) Blood sample of the same patient still exposed to the electromagnetic field of a mobile phone while being exposed for an hour to the frequencies of a ‘Bio Music One’ CD. We can see that the red blood cells have separated, which signals a clear enhancement of the oxygenation of the patient’s blood, and that the disturbance produced by the electromagnetic field of the mobile phone has been neutralised.
Test by Researcher in Nutritional Microscopy, Pam Layfield (M.I.M.A.)

SUBJECT 1 (Person with healthy blood)

1) Before being exposed to EMFs: the red blood cells are freely floating and robust and the plasma is clean and healthy.
2) After one hour of being exposed to EMFs from mobile phones, WIFI, computers and TV, in similar conditions to those found in most of today’s homes and offices: we can see serious and significant degeneration: all the red blood cells have pleomorphised (changed) into Acanthocytes or Echinocytes (indication of latent tissue acidosis in the extra cellular matrix or spaces of the connective tissue and the body’s inability to remove acid waste, causing it to build up in the blood, which in turn causes the cells to break down. There can also be congestion in the filter organs and there is also much clotting (Erythrocyte Aggregation – when red blood cells clump together in a mass, which can result in poor circulation).
3) After one hour of being exposed to EMFs from mobile phones, WIFI, computers and TV whilst playing a Bio Music One CD: only a few Acanthocytes or Echinocytes were witnessed, the Red Blood Cells were separating and less clotting was witnessed.
4) After one night of playing a Bio Music One CD: improvement continued to bring back original healthy condition.

SUBJECT 2 (Person regularly exposed to EMFs through his professional activity)




1) Before being exposed to EMFs: Red blood cells were showing the ‘Rouleau’ effect (stacking or chaining of red blood cells related to poor protein metabolism and altered pH or acid imbalance. This can render the red blood cells unable to pass into the small capillaries to transfer oxygen or biologically transform into new body cells and/or to remove carbon dioxide or other metabolic acids) with some clotting and platelets.

2) After one hour of being exposed to EMFs from mobile phones, WIFI, computers and TV, in similar conditions to those found in most of today’s homes and offices: Clotting became extreme with many Acanthocytes or Echinocytes seen.
3) After one hour of being exposed to EMFs from mobile phones, WIFI, computers and TV whilst playing a Bio Music One CD1: Red blood cells became more separated and less clotted.
4) After one night of playing a Bio Music One CD: Still further improvement witnessed with the red blood cells becoming more robust and independent. The levels of clotting also improved.
Tests by Lidia Blánquez, nutritionist, specialised in fasting and in the HBLO technique of human blood analysis, Lidia Bio Salud Centre, Barcelona.
To see the full report of the tests conducted before and after a Bio Music One conference, please click here please click here
Tests using the Electrophysionic process
Electrophysionic tests conducted by Georges Hadjo, one of the world’s most eminent experts in Kirlian, Electrophysionic and Electrophotonic photography, author of many books, notably “Les états modifiés de conscience vus par l’électrophysionique” (Modified States of Consciousness as seen by Electrophysionic Photography). These demonstrate the beneficial effects that Bio Music One CDs have on water, people and plants. Electrophysionic photography uses high frequency electron streams to photograph the invisible energy fields radiating from all living things. Using the specially-made Kirlian camera, the energy emanating from the test subjects shows a clear enhancement of their vibratory fields, demonstrating ALL the beneficial effects of the Bio Music One process.
Kirlian photography by Georges Hadjo © 2006 Loriana Music. All rights reserved worldwide.
Perfect revitalisation of water
Vibratory field of a drop of mineral water before (1) and after (2) having been exposed to the frequencies of a Bio Music One CD. The drop of water has regained the perfect round shape of a ‘shining sun’, characteristic of revitalised water in Electrophysionic photography.
Re-balancing effect on the human body
Vibratory field of a person’s physical state before (1) and after (2) having been exposed to the frequencies of a Bio Music One CD. The harmonious expansion of the vibratory field around the fingertips demonstrates the general re-balancing effect of the Bio Music One process on the human body.

Anti-stress effect on the human body 


Vibratory field of a person’s psychological state before (1) and after (2) having been exposed to the frequencies of a Bio Music One CD. The red/pink coloration indicates that the person has reached a higher vibratory level, which demonstrates the anti-stress effect of the Bio Music One process on the human body.

Protection against electromagnetic pollution

(1)(2) (3)
Vibratory field of a person’s general state (1), of that person’s general state while using a mobile phone (2) and of that person’s general state while using a mobile phone when playing a Bio Music One CD (3). We notice that the vibratory field of that person has deteriorated while using the mobile phone but has been restored and even enhanced while using the mobile phone when playing the CD (the ‘crowns’ restructure themselves and expand). This test clearly shows the effect of protection against electromagnetic pollution of the Bio Music One process on the human body.
Re-balancing effect on plants
Vibratory field of a green leaf before (1) and after (2) having been exposed to the frequencies of a Bio Music One CD. The field has expanded harmoniously, demonstrating the general rebalancing effect of the Bio Music One process on plants.

Further tests demonstrating the re-balancing effect on the human body



Vibratory field of a person’s general state before (1) and after playing the CDs of Kinema “Synopsis” (2), Arnica Montana “Sensations 1” (3) and Monte Cristo “Voyage” (4).  We can see that, with each CD, the vibratory field has expanded harmoniously around the fingertips, which demonstrates the general rebalancing effect of the Bio Music One CDs on the human body.

Tests through the Sensitive Crystallisation process
Images taken through the Sensitive Crystallisation process (ICS) demonstrate the revitalising effect of the Bio Music One process on water, which can then be verified by a vitalising effect on organic substances.
Five studies through the Sensitive Crystallisation process have been conducted by Marie-Françoise Tesson (PRESENCES laboratory), recognised as an expert in that field.
These studies, each using a 10% aqueous extract of a different organic substance, were done over a period of 45 days with 110 pictures taken showing clear, positive, coherent and repeatable results.

Obtained after playing a Bio Music One CD in its entirety with the volume set to the minimum level (inaudible yet allowing the frequencies to spread), these results demonstrate that the beneficial frequencies of the Bio Music One process have a vitalising effect on organic substances. This can be seen clearly through the improvement of the texture of the ICS of informed samples compared to the texture of the ICS of the test samples.

1) Control test
2) Test informed with Bio Music One
Tests on the revitalization and conductivity of water
Several scientific studies on the variations of the structural state of water under the influence of the Bio Music One process have been conducted over the past three years by physicist Mikhail Kulagin, researcher at the water biophysics laboratory of the Research Institute for Human Ecological and Environmental Health « A.N. Sysin », of the Russian Ministry of Public Health (Protocol recognised by the medical establishment since 2001).
According to Mikhail Kulagin, these studies prove that Bio Music One UFSWs have a restructuring effect on the aqueous medium and optimise its conductivity.
Differential conductometry test

According to Mikhail Kulagin, the obtained results prove the following facts:

1) When the laptop computer is ON, measurements show substantial changes of the physical space around the computer keyboard. Water, which is used as sensorial system, shows a change of phase state with a difference of current from +2 µA (line 1) to -4 µA.
2) The use of the Bio Music One CD provokes changes on the phase structural state of the aqueous medium with a difference of current from +2 µA to +11 µA, neutralising completely the disturbing activity of the computer. This extremely efficient neutralisation presents an objective basis to pursue further studies on Bio Music One.
Two conclusions can summarise this scientific study:
1) The Bio Music One CD can be used as an efficient tool to protect against the damaging influence of laptop computers. The measurements obtained with regards to the changes of the structural state of the aqueous medium are significant and prove the efficiency of the influence of the CD.
2) The Bio Music One CD produces a specific influence on the aqueous medium. The changes that we observed on the conductivity of water which reflects the change of the phase state of the physical space let us suppose the existence of therapeutic effects associated with the use of the CD.
High performance liquid chromatographic spectrometry detection test

Black line = Water exposed to a computer, turned on
Blue line = Water exposed to a computer, turned off
Pink line = Water exposed to a computer, turned on and playing the Bio Music One CD ‘Kinema 1’ in inaudible mode

Test conclusion:

The UFSWs of Bio Music One have a restructuring effect on the aqueous medium and therefore optimise it’s conductivity.

High performance liquid chromatographic refractometry detection test

Black line = Water exposed to a computer, turned off.
Blue line = Water exposed to a computer, turned on
Pink line = Water exposed to a computer, turned on and playing the Bio Music One CD ‘Kinema 1’ in inaudible mode

Test conclusion:
The UFSWs of Bio Music One have a restructuring effect on the aqueous medium. “Important changes in the structure of the aqueous medium can be observed, with the formation of light fractions of water demonstrating better conductivity.” Mikhail Kulagin

Other tests in high performance liquid chromatographic


– 1. Diminished retention time – 2. Diminished peak height – 3. Increased peak surface area
“The diminished retention time (surface tension) and the height of the peaks of the stable areas of the aqueous medium as well as the increase in surface area of these peaks between the exposed sample and the control sample demonstrates the appearance of light fractioning of the aqueous medium , evidence of restructuring.” Mikhail Kulagin
Test conclusion:
The UFSWs of Bio Music One have a restructuring effect on the aqueous medium and can have beneficial effects on cellular longevity by diminishing the surface tension of water (Van der Walls electric interaction).
Tests on the therapeutic potential of Bio Music One UFSWs
Several tests on the therapeutic potential of the Bio Music One Unified Fields of Sound Waveforms (UFSWs) have been conducted by Mikhail Kulagin, biophysicist at the Biophysics Laboratory of Water, « AN Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health », Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development.
Study on the functional state of the body
Tests conducted on a group of 12 volunteers have demonstrated a clear improvement of the tested bodily functions. The following results are an exemple of the positive measurements taken from the 12 volunteers:

A – Adaptation of cardiovascular system (in blue) : increase from 25% to 59%
B – Regulation of autonomous nervous system (in green) : increase from 31% to 62%
С – Regulation of the central nervous system (in yellow) : increase from 21% to 73%
D – Emotional state (in pink) : increase from 20% to 65%
Health – General state (in red) : increase from 25% to 65%

Test conclusion
Bio Music One regulates cardiac rhythm, significantly improves vegetative balance, normalises stress levels, facilitates emotional management and improves the body’s general state of health.

Test on the brain’s bio-rhythms


“The dominating rhythm of Delta waves demonstrates that the effect of Bio Music One induces a profoundly relaxed state and an excellent capacity of stress management by the body. The diagnostic also reveals moderate treatment of tachycardia and possible activation of the pineal gland.” Mikhail Kulagin
Test conclusion
The change in the brain’s bio-rhythms by Bio Music One demonstrates the de-stressing effects.
Test of the electrical activity of the brain

Significant improvement of electrical brain activity is maintained even 1hr 40 after having listened to the Bio Music One CD.
Two further tests of the body’s self-regulation and the body’s biological age have demonstrated significant improvement of the body’s level and capacity of self-regulation as a decrease in the body’s biological age.
We invite scientists who are able to conduct clinical studies on the functions of the body and on the body’s biological age to contact us directly through our CONTACT page. We thank you in advance for your interest in doing so.
Studies in geobiology
Experiments in geobiology conducted by geological engineer Alexander Rusanov, physicist Anatoly Pavlenko from the University of Kiev and experts in geobiology from the Prosantel Association have demonstrated the reversing of left torsional fields (harmful to the biosphere) into right torsional fields (beneficial to the biosphere) by Bio Music One. These were conducted through the use of the Russian sensory probe ‘IGA1’, capable of detecting torsional fields.

The map below, produced by Jean Uguen from the Prosantel Association, shows 6 different sources of telluric and electromagnetic disturbances which cross at the centre of a house in a small village from Brittany in France. According to Jean Uguen’s observations, one Bio Music One CD was sufficient to neutralise instantaneously and simultaneously the combined impact on living beings of all the disturbances.

Feng Shui studies by the European Institute of Feng Shui

Pierre Thirault, Founder and Director of the European Institute of Feng Shui, as well as his teachers and students, have all verified, with the help of a Feng Shui tool known as ‘Event Analysis Grid’, that Bio Music One not only has a revitalising effect on the molecule of water but also a neutralising effect on the memory of water, in terms of vapour.

In Feng Shui analysis, two factors are taken into account: Water and Wind, or the state of water in its two states: liquid and gaseous. The molecule of water, in its function of vector of all energies, can be ‘cleaned’. This phenomenon is called ‘clarification’ in popular Feng Shui terms. The vapour of water, which carries the substance of an event, can also be ‘cleaned’ by ‘neutralising’ its negative memories. The Bio Music One process acts in this way on the two factors of water.
Bio Music One is a remarkable remedy for all those who wish to control the damaging energies generated by the terrible « flying star », but also by all types of electromagnetic pollution, mainly those generated by high frequencies”, says Pierre Thirault.
Photos of the human aura

This testimonial sent by Agnès Bassetti and Césira Andréoni, therapists at the “Espace Aurore” wellness centre in France, demonstrates the rebalancing effect of Bio Music One on the subtle body.

1                                  2
1                                    2

1. Before exposure to Bio Music One
2. After exposure to Bio Music One
Taken with the Aura 6000 camera, the following pictures show the aura of two persons before and after being exposed to the beneficial frequencies of the Bio Music One CDs of Kinema, Arnica Montana and Monte Cristo, each played once, one after the other.
Agnès and Césira give their interpretation:
“We can clearly see the difference between two states at the vibratory level:
– Before the experiment, the auras show a ‘polluted’ vibratory level with an apparent ‘fatigue’. The auras are ‘damaged’.
– After playing the Bio Music One CDs, the auras have expanded and become denser. The elevation of the vibratory level, which is also considerably larger, enables the auras to express a wide range of harmonious colours.
We can conclude that, thanks to the frequencies of the Bio Music One process, the persons exposed benefit from an energetic re-balancing, which should enable them to exploit all their resources to the maximum of their potential, and show a perfect connection to the world around them, an openness to others, an affirmation of the ‘self’ and a link to the subtle worlds.”
Tests by Masaru Emoto's laboratories on Iced water crystals

The revitalising effect of Bio Music One on water has been demonstrated by Masaru Emoto’s laboratories.


The above photographs show frozen water crystals before (1) and after (2), (3), (4), (5) revitalisation by the CDs of  Kinema 1 (2), Monte Cristo 1 (3), Arnica Montana 1 (4) and Arnica Montana 2 (5). The frozen water crystals have regained the natural shape of an hexagonal ‘star’, which is characteristic of ‘revitalised’ water, ideal to help maintain good health.

Tests on human blood

The Bio Music One effect which protects against electromagnetic pollution has been demonstrated through tests on human blood using dark field microscope technology, conducted by Dr Domingo Perez Leon, Director of the Biological Institute of Health in Madrid and by Pam Layfield, Researcher in Nutritional Microscopy and Member of the International Microscopy Association.

Photographs by Dr Perez Leon and Pam Layfield © 2007-2009 Loriana Music. All rights reserved worldwide.

Tests by Dr Domingo Perez Leon conducted at the Biological Institute of Health in Madrid


1) Blood sample of a patient just before starting the test.

2) Blood sample of the same patient while being subjected to the electromagnetic field of a mobile phone: we can see that the red blood cells have formed lines of cells stacked together, known as the “Rouleau Effect”, which indicates a lack of oxygen in the blood, intestinal stress and acidity of the patient’s base average.

3) Blood sample of the same patient still exposed to the electromagnetic field of a mobile phone while being exposed for an hour to the frequencies of a ‘Bio Music One’ CD. We can see that the red blood cells have separated, which signals a clear enhancement of the oxygenation of the patient’s blood, and that the disturbance produced by the electromagnetic field of the mobile phone has been neutralised.
Test by Researcher in Nutritional Microscopy, Pam Layfield (M.I.M.A.)

SUBJECT 1 (Person with healthy blood)

1) Before being exposed to EMFs: the red blood cells are freely floating and robust and the plasma is clean and healthy.
2) After one hour of being exposed to EMFs from mobile phones, WIFI, computers and TV, in similar conditions to those found in most of today’s homes and offices: we can see serious and significant degeneration: all the red blood cells have pleomorphised (changed) into Acanthocytes or Echinocytes (indication of latent tissue acidosis in the extra cellular matrix or spaces of the connective tissue and the body’s inability to remove acid waste, causing it to build up in the blood, which in turn causes the cells to break down. There can also be congestion in the filter organs and there is also much clotting (Erythrocyte Aggregation – when red blood cells clump together in a mass, which can result in poor circulation).
3) After one hour of being exposed to EMFs from mobile phones, WIFI, computers and TV whilst playing a Bio Music One CD: only a few Acanthocytes or Echinocytes were witnessed, the Red Blood Cells were separating and less clotting was witnessed.
4) After one night of playing a Bio Music One CD: improvement continued to bring back original healthy condition.

SUBJECT 2 (Person regularly exposed to EMFs through his professional activity)


1) Before being exposed to EMFs: Red blood cells were showing the ‘Rouleau’ effect (stacking or chaining of red blood cells related to poor protein metabolism and altered pH or acid imbalance. This can render the red blood cells unable to pass into the small capillaries to transfer oxygen or biologically transform into new body cells and/or to remove carbon dioxide or other metabolic acids) with some clotting and platelets.

2) After one hour of being exposed to EMFs from mobile phones, WIFI, computers and TV, in similar conditions to those found in most of today’s homes and offices: Clotting became extreme with many Acanthocytes or Echinocytes seen.

3) After one hour of being exposed to EMFs from mobile phones, WIFI, computers and TV whilst playing a Bio Music One CD1: Red blood cells became more separated and less clotted.
4) After one night of playing a Bio Music One CD: Still further improvement witnessed with the red blood cells becoming more robust and independent. The levels of clotting also improved.
Tests by Lidia Blánquez, nutritionist, specialised in fasting and in the HBLO technique of human blood analysis, Lidia Bio Salud Centre, Barcelona.
To see the full report of the tests conducted before and after a Bio Music One conference, please click here please click here
Tests using the Electrophysionic process
Electrophysionic tests conducted by Georges Hadjo, one of the world’s most eminent experts in Kirlian, Electrophysionic and Electrophotonic photography, author of many books, notably “Les états modifiés de conscience vus par l’électrophysionique” (Modified States of Consciousness as seen by Electrophysionic Photography). These demonstrate the beneficial effects that Bio Music One CDs have on water, people and plants. Electrophysionic photography uses high frequency electron streams to photograph the invisible energy fields radiating from all living things. Using the specially-made Kirlian camera, the energy emanating from the test subjects shows a clear enhancement of their vibratory fields, demonstrating ALL the beneficial effects of the Bio Music One process.
Kirlian photography by Georges Hadjo © 2006 Loriana Music. All rights reserved worldwide.
Perfect revitalisation of water
Vibratory field of a drop of mineral water before (1) and after (2) having been exposed to the frequencies of a Bio Music One CD. The drop of water has regained the perfect round shape of a ‘shining sun’, characteristic of revitalised water in Electrophysionic photography.
Re-balancing effect on the human body
Vibratory field of a person’s physical state before (1) and after (2) having been exposed to the frequencies of a Bio Music One CD. The harmonious expansion of the vibratory field around the fingertips demonstrates the general re-balancing effect of the Bio Music One process on the human body.

Anti-stress effect on the human body 


Vibratory field of a person’s psychological state before (1) and after (2) having been exposed to the frequencies of a Bio Music One CD. The red/pink coloration indicates that the person has reached a higher vibratory level, which demonstrates the anti-stress effect of the Bio Music One process on the human body.

Protection against electromagnetic pollution

Vibratory field of a person’s general state (1), of that person’s general state while using a mobile phone (2) and of that person’s general state while using a mobile phone when playing a Bio Music One CD (3). We notice that the vibratory field of that person has deteriorated while using the mobile phone but has been restored and even enhanced while using the mobile phone when playing the CD (the ‘crowns’ restructure themselves and expand). This test clearly shows the effect of protection against electromagnetic pollution of the Bio Music One process on the human body.
Re-balancing effect on plants
Vibratory field of a green leaf before (1) and after (2) having been exposed to the frequencies of a Bio Music One CD. The field has expanded harmoniously, demonstrating the general rebalancing effect of the Bio Music One process on plants.

Further tests demonstrating the re-balancing effect on the human body



Vibratory field of a person’s general state before (1) and after playing the CDs of Kinema “Synopsis” (2), Arnica Montana “Sensations 1” (3) and Monte Cristo “Voyage” (4).  We can see that, with each CD, the vibratory field has expanded harmoniously around the fingertips, which demonstrates the general rebalancing effect of the Bio Music One CDs on the human body.

Tests through the Sensitive Crystallisation process
Images taken through the Sensitive Crystallisation process (ICS) demonstrate the revitalising effect of the Bio Music One process on water, which can then be verified by a vitalising effect on organic substances.
Five studies through the Sensitive Crystallisation process have been conducted by Marie-Françoise Tesson (PRESENCES laboratory), recognised as an expert in that field.
These studies, each using a 10% aqueous extract of a different organic substance, were done over a period of 45 days with 110 pictures taken showing clear, positive, coherent and repeatable results.

Obtained after playing a Bio Music One CD in its entirety with the volume set to the minimum level (inaudible yet allowing the frequencies to spread), these results demonstrate that the beneficial frequencies of the Bio Music One process have a vitalising effect on organic substances. This can be seen clearly through the improvement of the texture of the ICS of informed samples compared to the texture of the ICS of the test samples.

1) Control test
2) Test informed with Bio Music One


Tests on the revitalization and conductivity of water
Several scientific studies on the variations of the structural state of water under the influence of the Bio Music One process have been conducted over the past three years by physicist Mikhail Kulagin, researcher at the water biophysics laboratory of the Research Institute for Human Ecological and Environmental Health « A.N. Sysin », of the Russian Ministry of Public Health (Protocol recognised by the medical establishment since 2001).
According to Mikhail Kulagin, these studies prove that Bio Music One UFSWs have a restructuring effect on the aqueous medium and optimise its conductivity.
Differential conductometry test

According to Mikhail Kulagin, the obtained results prove the following facts:

1) When the laptop computer is ON, measurements show substantial changes of the physical space around the computer keyboard. Water, which is used as sensorial system, shows a change of phase state with a difference of current from +2 µA (line 1) to -4 µA.
2) The use of the Bio Music One CD provokes changes on the phase structural state of the aqueous medium with a difference of current from +2 µA to +11 µA, neutralising completely the disturbing activity of the computer. This extremely efficient neutralisation presents an objective basis to pursue further studies on Bio Music One.
Two conclusions can summarise this scientific study:
1) The Bio Music One CD can be used as an efficient tool to protect against the damaging influence of laptop computers. The measurements obtained with regards to the changes of the structural state of the aqueous medium are significant and prove the efficiency of the influence of the CD.
2) The Bio Music One CD produces a specific influence on the aqueous medium. The changes that we observed on the conductivity of water which reflects the change of the phase state of the physical space let us suppose the existence of therapeutic effects associated with the use of the CD.
High performance liquid chromatographic spectrometry detection test

Black line = Water exposed to a computer, turned on
Blue line = Water exposed to a computer, turned off
Pink line = Water exposed to a computer, turned on and playing the Bio Music One CD ‘Kinema 1’ in inaudible mode

Test conclusion:

The UFSWs of Bio Music One have a restructuring effect on the aqueous medium and therefore optimise it’s conductivity.

High performance liquid chromatographic refractometry detection test

Black line = Water exposed to a computer, turned off.
Blue line = Water exposed to a computer, turned on
Pink line = Water exposed to a computer, turned on and playing the Bio Music One CD ‘Kinema 1’ in inaudible mode

Test conclusion:
The UFSWs of Bio Music One have a restructuring effect on the aqueous medium. “Important changes in the structure of the aqueous medium can be observed, with the formation of light fractions of water demonstrating better conductivity.” Mikhail Kulagin

Other tests in high performance liquid chromatographic


– 1. Diminished retention time – 2. Diminished peak height – 3. Increased peak surface area
“The diminished retention time (surface tension) and the height of the peaks of the stable areas of the aqueous medium as well as the increase in surface area of these peaks between the exposed sample and the control sample demonstrates the appearance of light fractioning of the aqueous medium , evidence of restructuring.” Mikhail Kulagin
Test conclusion:
The UFSWs of Bio Music One have a restructuring effect on the aqueous medium and can have beneficial effects on cellular longevity by diminishing the surface tension of water (Van der Walls electric interaction).
Tests on the therapeutic potential of Bio Music One UFSWs
Several tests on the therapeutic potential of the Bio Music One Unified Fields of Sound Waveforms (UFSWs) have been conducted by Mikhail Kulagin, biophysicist at the Biophysics Laboratory of Water, « AN Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health », Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development.
Study on the functional state of the body
Tests conducted on a group of 12 volunteers have demonstrated a clear improvement of the tested bodily functions. The following results are an exemple of the positive measurements taken from the 12 volunteers:

A – Adaptation of cardiovascular system (in blue) : increase from 25% to 59%
B – Regulation of autonomous nervous system (in green) : increase from 31% to 62%
С – Regulation of the central nervous system (in yellow) : increase from 21% to 73%
D – Emotional state (in pink) : increase from 20% to 65%
Health – General state (in red) : increase from 25% to 65%

Test conclusion
Bio Music One regulates cardiac rhythm, significantly improves vegetative balance, normalises stress levels, facilitates emotional management and improves the body’s general state of health.

Test on the brain’s bio-rhythms


“The dominating rhythm of Delta waves demonstrates that the effect of Bio Music One induces a profoundly relaxed state and an excellent capacity of stress management by the body. The diagnostic also reveals moderate treatment of tachycardia and possible activation of the pineal gland.” Mikhail Kulagin
Test conclusion
The change in the brain’s bio-rhythms by Bio Music One demonstrates the de-stressing effects.
Test of the electrical activity of the brain

Significant improvement of electrical brain activity is maintained even 1hr 40 after having listened to the Bio Music One CD.
Two further tests of the body’s self-regulation and the body’s biological age have demonstrated significant improvement of the body’s level and capacity of self-regulation as a decrease in the body’s biological age.
We invite scientists who are able to conduct clinical studies on the functions of the body and on the body’s biological age to contact us directly through our CONTACT page. We thank you in advance for your interest in doing so.
Studies in geobiology
Experiments in geobiology conducted by geological engineer Alexander Rusanov, physicist Anatoly Pavlenko from the University of Kiev and experts in geobiology from the Prosantel Association have demonstrated the reversing of left torsional fields (harmful to the biosphere) into right torsional fields (beneficial to the biosphere) by Bio Music One. These were conducted through the use of the Russian sensory probe ‘IGA1’, capable of detecting torsional fields.

The map below, produced by Jean Uguen from the Prosantel Association, shows 6 different sources of telluric and electromagnetic disturbances which cross at the centre of a house in a small village from Brittany in France. According to Jean Uguen’s observations, one Bio Music One CD was sufficient to neutralise instantaneously and simultaneously the combined impact on living beings of all the disturbances.

Feng Shui studies by the European Institute of Feng Shui

Pierre Thirault, Founder and Director of the European Institute of Feng Shui, as well as his teachers and students, have all verified, with the help of a Feng Shui tool known as ‘Event Analysis Grid’, that Bio Music One not only has a revitalising effect on the molecule of water but also a neutralising effect on the memory of water, in terms of vapour.

In Feng Shui analysis, two factors are taken into account: Water and Wind, or the state of water in its two states: liquid and gaseous. The molecule of water, in its function of vector of all energies, can be ‘cleaned’. This phenomenon is called ‘clarification’ in popular Feng Shui terms. The vapour of water, which carries the substance of an event, can also be ‘cleaned’ by ‘neutralising’ its negative memories. The Bio Music One process acts in this way on the two factors of water.
Bio Music One is a remarkable remedy for all those who wish to control the damaging energies generated by the terrible « flying star », but also by all types of electromagnetic pollution, mainly those generated by high frequencies”, says Pierre Thirault.
Pictures of the human aura

This testimonial sent by Agnès Bassetti and Césira Andréoni, therapists at the “Espace Aurore” wellness centre in France, demonstrates the rebalancing effect of Bio Music One on the subtle body.

1. Before exposure to Bio Music One
2. After exposure to Bio Music One
Taken with the Aura 6000 camera, the following pictures show the aura of two persons before and after being exposed to the beneficial frequencies of the Bio Music One CDs of Kinema, Arnica Montana and Monte Cristo, each played once, one after the other.
Agnès and Césira give their interpretation:
“We can clearly see the difference between two states at the vibratory level:
– Before the experiment, the auras show a ‘polluted’ vibratory level with an apparent ‘fatigue’. The auras are ‘damaged’.
– After playing the Bio Music One CDs, the auras have expanded and become denser. The elevation of the vibratory level, which is also considerably larger, enables the auras to express a wide range of harmonious colours.
We can conclude that, thanks to the frequencies of the Bio Music One process, the persons exposed benefit from an energetic re-balancing, which should enable them to exploit all their resources to the maximum of their potential, and show a perfect connection to the world around them, an openness to others, an affirmation of the ‘self’ and a link to the subtle worlds.”
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