00 44 7748 343 363 info@lorianamusic.com
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An efficient support tool for all forms of treatment and therapy

Could there be a way to optimise the effectiveness of all forms of therapy and treatment?

Be it allopathy, psycho-corporal therapies or energetic therapies…

With Bio Music One, now there is!

Discover the indispensable tool for your and your customers’ health & well-being assets

How does Bio Music One help during treatment?


Better recognise a patient’s needs


Better intuition in deciding on the most appropriate treatment


Less attachment to the desired result for better effectiveness


Neutralised stress between patient and therapist for better treatment


Neutralised environmental stress for better quality of treatment


Reduced therapist fatigue after a session or a day’s treatment


Better patient receptivity of administered treatment


Less impact of possible side-effects on the patient 


Better patient recovery

From a personal perspective…

Bio Music One is a path to a new conscious awareness of your self, in your own time

User Satisfaction: More than 7000 written supporting testimonials

From allopathy to homeopathy, acupuncture to naturopathy, shiatsu to many forms of massage, from Reiki to magnetism, Sophrology to transpersonal therapies, yoga to Tai Chi and to Qi Gong…health and well-being professionals keep on sending us their testimonials.

“As a holistic facilitator in well-being, in general elevation, as a coaching consultant and with complementary therapies, I have used Bio Music One for 3 years, intuitively and depending on situation, with notable and multiplying effects.” Michel Cheveau, France

“During my ‘Bar Access’ treatment sessions, with Bio Music One I knew what to do faster and stronger than usual: where, when and how to put my hands (the treatment I give is intuitive and never the same” ILR, France

“I’ve included Kinema in my Aroma Mechanic Energetic System because it acts as a marvellous complement thanks to the vibrations it sends to the 110 acupuncture points we use” Alain Fontain, France

“My autistic patients are getting better and better with Bio Music One. One patient in particular hasn’t been sectioned in months. He is much more balanced” Steven Rudelhoff, UK.

“Usually I need 2 to 3 Reiki sessions before seeing visible results, but with Bio Music One I notice important effects already from the first session. Thank you for this marvellous music” JB, France

“I have seen many people rapidly improve physically, psychologically and emotionally. Your music has helped them quickly and easily let go of their emotions or attachment to a situation, get through difficult periods and find the capacity to build their happiness. THANK YOU.” J, France

“We play Bio Music One in our conference centre, in the spa and in our restaurant! We play it continuously inaudibly except in the spa. And it works really well.” Christian Bordes, Vitaregen Center, Spain

“After many days of administering treatment with Bio Music One, the result is a very positive track record thanks to which I am integrating Bio Music One into my every day practice.” Dr Guy Londechamp, France

2 Key Listening Modes for quick and efficient support

1. Inaudible and Continuous Mode

Inaudible’ : minimum playback volume to diffuse the frequencies without hearing the music.
Continuous’ : when 1 or more albums are played in repeat in normal playback order.

When simply diffused in inaudible and continuous mode, Bio Music One maintains excellent ambient vibratory quality, neutralising all environmental disturbances and making it easier to relieve all forms of stress, especially the anxiety and preoccupation a patient may have regarding his/her condition and the treatment they are to receive. This playback mode can be used during treatment as well as before such as in a waiting room. In your daily life, inaudible and continuous mode listening helps to maintain balance and well-being.

2. Conscious Listening Mode: A Bio Active Sonic Meditation

Bio Music One’s bio active sonic meditation (Conscious Listening) involves paying attention to yourself to accelerate the liberation of stress. Listening to just 1 track before treatment can be enough for the patient to reconnect with themselves, detach themselves from any preoccupation and open up with confidence. Let the patient intuitively choose an album from the 6 in the series. The therapist can also do a short sonic meditation before receiving the patient to be in the best physical, energetic, psychological and emotional disposition. It’s a simple and efficient solution to re-establish favourable conditions for the best possible treatment.

Experience Bio Active Listening

Bio Music One Bio Active Listening is a sonic meditation lasting only 7 minutes, during which your body makes the most of the Bio Music One process to relieve stress affecting it in the present moment. You will then experience rebalancing in different ways (at physical, energetic, psychological, emotional, sensory and spiritual levels), according to your own needs.


STOP! Please read and apply the following protocol before pressing the play button so that you can benefit fully from this Bio Active Listening Session:

Preferably use headphones at comfortable volume, sitting down comfortably, eyes closed, making sure no one disturbs you during the listening session.  Let go and observe the feelings, visions, informations and answers that may come to you without being concerned about them or trying to interpret or remember them.

“Words could not do justice to what I felt when I listened online to the Bio Music 6 in 1 active listening…I journeyed through my life, relived the best times I’ve had and saw people I’m so very fond of. The music really felt as if it was making my life vibrate. When it finished, I felt relaxed and at ease, so happy to have seen what I saw, with a nice sensation of well-being.” NA

I felt a lot of energy rise within me and my inner water energise itself, and not more than 5 minutes later the fatigue passed. It was powerful. It was maintaining my vibrations high up…” MA

“Thank you for this music. I started by reliving a traumatism I’ve recently come to terms with, and the rest was just an incredible journey of joy. I went from earth to the stars and faraway galaxies. I had this clear vision, which was in fact the answer to a question which had been bothering me, a creative vision of what I want to accomplish in future. Thank you for this love I felt.” CL

“Trying out Active listening has sensitised all 7 of my chakras, especially the last 4. It’s as if they were waking up, something that happens when I recenter myself and enter the Alpha state. I find it quite pleasant, and thank you very much for making this experience possible and free.” BL

“While I listened to the music, little by little I felt joy and love well up inside me, I imagined myself dancing, saw people close to me, and really felt an immense well-being even though I’m going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment. Thanks for such a beneficial experience, it felt great!” DT

I was transported immediately…I had a sudden urge to dance, then, emotion washed over me, hitting me like a wave, seeing my father again and my divorced parents suddenly dancing together made me very tearful. It’s powerful. Thank you.” ME

“Thank you for the experience. The music was very beautiful. After the music stopped, my breathing became amplified but specifically, it cleared up. And I felt optimistic again! Whilst I listened, I saw myself prancing and dancing along the top of coastal cliffs, and I’m not the running type. The wind and the animals from the desert came to play with me and I could smile again. Thank you once more. “MFTS

“At first I felt the urge to get up and dance, I felt a lot of joy and passion coming through. Then, I felt something strange, as if my subtle body were expanding. Then I saw the image of a bird and felt as if I was flying and then a deep state of calm enveloped me. At the end of it I had almost dropped off, and when it finished, I thought I could hear the crashing of waves. I don’t really know what this music is for or why it was composed but the effects I felt from it were amazing. Thank you.” JF

Tell us what you felt!

The testimonials we receive are critical in helping us develop the Bio Music One process. We thank you in advance for your kind contribution, as we thank the thousands of people who have already shared their observations with us.

Invest in Your own and Your clients' Health and Wellbeing Assets

Acquiring the Bio Music One albums is an investment in your health and well-being assets, as well as in your clients well-being and health, for optimised therapies and treatments of any kind.

The button below will take you to our webshop, where you will be able to choose the albums most suitable for your current needs.

Host your own Bio Music One Workshop

A Bio Music One workshop is a unique opportunity to experience a deep inner transformation.

While in a state of enhanced receptivity and increased conscious awareness, participants free themselves from stressful factors that impede the full expression of their potentialities.

By reconnecting with themselves, they can learn to recognise their place and potentialities in order to express them fully.

I’d like to know how to organise my own workshop

“Bio Music One has helped me recognise my real dimension, what I really am, not mentally but by way of feeling” MCD

“I felt profoundly relaxed, my bodily pains and tension dissolving, cellular movement, rebalancing, reconnection, letting go and my conscious awareness expanding” MA

“I was re-baptised, I felt myself die to be re-born and better live” MC

“So much richness..in touch with Peace and Love. Gratefulness. Congratulations on this loveliness of inner creativity. A big thank you for this beautiful music” AC

“I thank the heavens for having led me to Bio Music One.” PD


Loriana Music | Fergusson House | 124 City Road | London EC1V 2NX | UK


Tel: 00 44 7748 343 363

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