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The current global health crisis is far from over and the stress it keeps generating seems to increase every week, affecting us all in our family, social or professional lives.
Did you know that since the first lockdown began, the WHO recorded a 60% increase in distress calls related to domestic violence? In addition, a survey asking WFH workers about their mental health, recently carried out by Malakoff Humanis, showed that 30% of surveyed workers weathering lockdown restrictions say their mental health has deteriorated. 25% say that their physical health has also deteriorated
During lockdown, while many people take solace in their ability to keep in touch with loved ones, friends and work colleagues through the internet…many ‘log on’ simply to escape the increased loneliness in their lives.
This overexposure to digital screens can lead to irritability, fatigue, sleep disturbances and many other symptoms. For example, a study by Vision Direct in the UK indicates that 70% of those surveyed reported having headaches. Research has also shown that arguments at home are more common when people use the screen too much.

Therefore, if you have the feeling that you are going through an anxiety-provoking situation, if you feel that you are succumbing to daily stress, that your general state of well-being has deteriorated or that you are no longer able to overcome the obstacles and unforeseen events that arise, then … get into the Bio Music One habit!

Instant paradise !” – CP

Out of more than 5,000 testimonials collected during our Bio Music One conferences and workshops over the past 12 years, more than 90% of participants report a return to a state of great appeasement, as if the worries of everyday life had disappeared or no longer mattered.

An escape to a place of calm. I get the feeling I can take on anything, with a smile on my face!” – CM

Whether it be in ‘Inaudible and Continuous‘ or in ‘Conscious Listening‘ mode, “bathing” in the bio active sound vibrations of our musical productions is enough to allow you to calm down quickly, change your perspective on things and reposition yourself in what is happening, what is just right for you. It is then that you realize how a situation that seemed chaotic was actually just a passing illusion.
Freed from my fears, doubts and from barriers holding me back. – KT
You can find all the Bio Music One albums and the first single on this page of our website. Find out which one is best for you!
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